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Thank you, Reinis Plešaunieks, for the material.

According to a definite system, age of people’s souls may be divided into seven groups.

All souls have to go through five age groups. When five stages of soul development are through, return to home is no more compulsory, it happens after own choice.

Sixth and seventh groups are represented by definite messengers – Messiahs and guru. They appear in physical level to teach, rather to learn. To the sixth age group belong Socrates and Zoroastr.

Souls that belong to the sixth age group don’t always can get information about memory of previous lives. Souls that belong to the second group always remember their previous lives. Souls from the seventh group remember their previous incarnations, life in higher dimensions and they keep contact with collective soul from which they draw knowledge (I should note that the sixth and seventh group has also close contact with collective soul). To the seventh group belong Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Laozi. Christ confirms his origin, saying, “I know where I came from and I know where I go, but you don’t know where I am from and where I want to go.” (Jāņa: 8 – 14)

The peculiarities of souls from the sixth and seventh group won’t be observed further (the book don’t contain this information).

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During the time of 400 lives, human soul ends full experience cycle (five age groups), but, depending on the peculiarities of the soul, number of incarnations may be from 50 to 1000 lives. At the beginning of evolution soul develops slower, in later stages it starts developing faster. Interval between incarnations is 0-1000 years. Intervals are shorter at the beginning of development; at the end they are longer.

In order to finish full experience course on the physical level (on Earth), you need approximately 20 000 years.

If you can somehow measure mental development, you could say that 98 – 99.9 % of mental characteristics of an adult person are inherited from previous lives (percent may be reduced during latest incarnations and also in 21th century when evolution forcing happens). It is illusion that a person’s rapid mental development is carried out in youth. When we notice a person’s fast mental development during his life, we may only see a crystallization process of mental characteristics of previous lives. True mental development starts from 18 to 30 years (this interval depends on a person’s wish for perfection).

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Humanity on Earth should reach maturity approximately at the age of 21. It is important to mention that cosmic maturity isn’t connected with technological advance. Hundreds of years ago great teachers had already been to ancient spirits. Rapid mental rising began in the 19th -20th century.


1. Soul – an infant

(The Paleolithic Age)

It is adjusted to the survival on the physical level. Infants’ souls are very fearful. Souls have little knowledge, so they keep strong and unconscious connection with collective soul. Their emotional nature starts creating; therefore, they are not emotionally opened. Usually they embody in primitive civilizations; they are curious and interested in physical processes. When someone asks them something, their responds look evasive and long. They don’t have any principles; they devote their time to rituals. They don’t pay attention to people’s wishes that may not coincide with their own desires. They don’t fit to higher society because of their low development. They may be characterized by untidiness.

They divide world into “me” and “not me”.

Infants’ souls are full of superstition. They believe that wicket wizards send them illnesses. Their usual illnesses are connected with tropical infections that appear in the result of insanitary conditions. They may get ill with bronchitis, asthma and radiculitis. Cancer is rather rare among them (it is in New Guinea).

Their bodies are decorated with ornaments, amulets, feathers. Their noses are decorated with Ivory rings.

Such souls may fight for a woman, while in some cultures they may become friends with other people.

They are religious. Worship to the ground, the Sun, nature is their characteristic feature. Infants’ souls are rather aggressive and selfish. Usually they don’t try to find a permanent job because they regard it as complicated.

Percussion instruments dominate in music created by infants’ souls.

Children enjoy playing in playground – it is an aspect of infant. As to adults: it is expressed in rituals – shamans dance, drugs consumption, sacral sex.

Infant souls prefer tropical places: Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Borneo, New Guinea, the Amazon River, a major part of Ethiopia and Sudan.

2. A child’s soul

(Roman Empire)

A child’s soul tries to clean civilization and keeps order. It enjoys structuralism and orderliness. Hierarchical structures are kept in a child’s soul (like in Roman Empire). It looks for authorities who can provide with order. Usually authorities are present among young souls.

Religion prefers global and well organized belief systems with strict norms of behavior. Religious fanaticism is also characteristic feature.

Usually such souls pay a visit to medical institutions. They are afraid of all unusual. A child’s soul is more aggressive than an infant’s soul or young souls. They take care of collective survival. Behavioral evaluation mechanism (moral-immoral) starts creating.

A child’s soul chooses very dogmatic, orthodox religions. Traditions play an important role in a child’s soul life.

The same as an infant’s soul, a child’s soul divides world into “me” and “not me”.

For a child’s soul it is hard to stay in power because, in comparison with young souls, a child’s soul isn’t capable to judge sufficiently.

A child’s soul is fearful.

A child’s soul is confident of its righteousness; it is difficult for it to listen to what others say.

The aspect of a child governs such processes as food-taking, washing, sex.

Representatives of a child’s soul make sex because of duty.

Examples of a child’s soul (politicians): Bota, Idi Amin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ajatolla Homeini.

Representatives of a child’s soul prefer to live in the following countries:

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Yemen (?), Oman (?), Pakistan (?) and other Islamic countries (except Syria and Saudi Arabia).

Countries of the late child’s period that soon will enter into the period of early youth:

China, Ireland, India, the central part of USA (mayors, sheriffs, presidents of older committees), the major part of Central and South American countries.

3. Young soul

(In the capitalist society)

Young souls are focused on the physical side of life. Representatives of a young soul admit their physical age with great difficulty, thus, they strive for plastic surgery. Young souls have skeptical attitude towards phenomena that go beyond “scientific” notions. Usually they are interested in religion no more than it is accepted in society. They consider life after death impossible. They identify themselves with their body completely. As a consequence, young souls are afraid of death. They tend to freeze themselves after death because they hope they will continue living.

Representatives of young souls tend to succeed in some sphere that had been chosen by them.

An ideal representative of young soul is an attractive, wealthy, successful person. These people are often shown on television (TV cultivates information that corresponds to young souls). They always dream to buy the most expensive car and the best house.

Young souls are afraid of losing some things that belong to them (they associate themselves with their possessions); therefore, young souls suffer because of property.

Now always they strive for something they like; instead of it, they seek for something that will bring success and glory.

For the major part of young souls success is more important than people’s opinions and feelings.

Young souls think that they are what they have.

They see life in opposition: “good-bad, correct-incorrect”. As to life: here young souls think that “everything is clear”.

They often are interested in politics.

World view: “I am, you are, and I am going to gain the upper hand over you”.

Young souls usually don’t suffer from low self-judgment. Also, they don’t suffer mentally. Often young souls are extraverts.

Representatives of a young soul have strict norms of behavior. They may compete about who will spend the best vacation. Something similar happens in USA. People who refuse to accept standardized norms of behavior are regarded as strange.

Young souls have already learned to make important decisions independently.

A person uses a young aspect of his/her soul in order to discipline himself/herself and achieve success (using willpower).

“Correct is what helps to succeed; wrong is what obstructs to achieve it”. “Those who aren’t with us, act against us and deserve punishment”.

A child’s soul and mature souls are more emotional than young souls. Young souls tend to be a bit egocentric. Poisonous waste problem (hat poisons Earth) is on young souls’ conscience.

Young souls perceive sex as sport.

The age of young soul is characterized by gender chauvinism.

Young souls are endowed with good invention ability, they are productive. Problems of morality and ethics don’t enter into their field of vision.

They learn very fast “how this world is built” in order to use this knowledge to their advantage.

Young souls become good parents rather rarely due to their emotional openness. However, they regard children as a symbol of wealth and social status; thus, their children always will have the best toys.

Young souls are characterized by creative talents which flourish by the adulthood.

Examples of a young soul: Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, William the Conqueror, Genghis Khan.

Young souls’ countries:

Japan, Germany, Honk Kong, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada.

Israel and USA are countries meant for the late youth period and early mature period.

4.Mature soul

(Society of the end of the 21th century).

Mature soul has already clarified questions of power and success. Now it has to develop emotions (sincerity). Emotions of mature soul are fixed upon family because mature soul unable to "open to the whole world."

Again, mature soul is more connected with collective consciousness, it is less selfish. Family relationships are the most important that career and success.

Mature souls feel connection with others and in surrounding people sees his/her reflection.

Mature soul will be strongly offended if someone offends his with something that he would never have done to another person.

Life is often emotional. Suicides and narcotic consumption is highly typical among mature souls. Gradually they start understanding true world: “It cannot be that this is the end”. Nothing seems so permanent anymore. Clear life journey doesn’t exist. Mature soul is unable to understand his feelings. Usually, the aspect of mature soul crystalizes in the twenties.

Mature souls have developed conscience, sympathy and ability to keep emotional connection. They are able to give and receive love. They start understanding that we are all united. Mature soul wants to be “like others”, wants to be accepted in a collective, and he tries to understand other people. These desires may be expressed in clothes, speech and conduct.

Mature souls deny materialism.

Perception of the world: “We are both the same and I know what you feel”.

Mature soul protects rights of animals. Ecological problems are an interesting subject for mature soul.

Creativity reaches its flourishing. Art/photography plays an important role in the life of mature soul.

Usually mature soul strive for higher education, however, chooses non-traditional educational institutions. Mature souls often renounce a well-paid job or prestigious status in society in favor of interests. Almost all literature teachers belong to mature soul – they enjoy reading emotional poems in front of pupils. Often they don’t understand why many pupils don’t like these things. Crystallization of mature soul among pupils happens in twenties.

Representatives of mature soul are interested in non-traditional religion, meditation and metaphysics. External world’s horizons are expanding. Some experiments with sex, exotic clothes and dishes appear. Almost all professional chefs belong to mature soul.

Countries (where mature aspect prevails) devote much time to social relationships rather than material values.

Mature souls perceive sex like an intensive exchange with emotions.

Examples: Galileo Galilei, Fritz Perls (psychiatrist), Elisabeth Prophet, Carlos Castaneda, Lynn Endres, Dan Millman; singers, artists, writers ( old souls is a small part of the representatives of these professions).

Countries where a major part of mature souls live:

England, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Mexico.

Centers of mature consciousness:

Cambridge (USA), Amsterdam (Holland).

New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco are mixed consciousness centers, although mature soul starts taking the upper hand.

5. Old soul

(It is approximately the 23th century society).

Old soul has already learned emotional subtleties of life, so it pays attention to mental growth. Old souls learn to govern emotions which they tried to enkindle in mature age. They learn not to be attracted to the physical plan. They are characterized by intellectual approach. Old soul have to finish experience cycle in physical plan, whole karma has to work, it is necessary to learn how to integrate all aspects.

Old souls are a bit lazy. They avoid responsibilities and care that is connected with wealth. Their job is mostly connected with mental development. Mental development of old souls and other people is very productive.

Old souls are independent and eccentric.

The main lesson that old souls need to learn is love for everything. During the last incarnations, old souls have metaphysical worldview.

Old souls most often possess clairvoyance abilities.

Early-stage old souls tend to devote time to internal searches. They feel their own difference. There is a desire for solitude.

They usually review all religious teachings and establish their own belief system.

They are capable to rise above worldly things; they are able to think globally. They have a wide range of visions. They don’t tie themselves with human tragedies because they have deeper understanding. They can look at themselves from the outside. They cultivate humor, ease and at the same time maintain a link with something higher. They learn to "float downstream" and not to fight with the circumstances.

Old souls use sex for mental practice, meditation and as an exercise than opens sensuality.

Old souls help others to go through their chosen path, they drive spiritual development.

During international conflicts, countries (where old aspect prevails) keep neutrality.

There are fewer celebrities among old souls in comparison with young and mature souls. If, however, glory comes, teacher’s element appears as a characteristic feature: Einstein, Mark Twain, Carl Gustav Jung, Dalai Lama, Kristine and Stanislav Grofi (transpersonal psychology specialists), Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, Nostradamus.

Countries where old souls prevail: Iceland, Holland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Tahiti.

There are a lot of old souls in State of Burma, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway and Armenia.

Old soul USA centers: Vancouver, Miami Boston, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta; states: Washington, Oregon, Northern California.

There are a lot of old soul representatives in Siberia.


- They speak of space flights, UFO;

- They are easy cut off by reading fiction;

- They know that they are different but still understand others;

- They claim that they are citizens of the universe;

- They feel that their physical parents aren’t true parents;

- They express love for humanity;

- Their desire to help others grow spiritually;

- They have feeling that they have their own mission;

- They strive for knowledge about ancient civilizations, another dimension of the world;

- They wish to develop their spiritual potential;

- They experienced many paranormal phenomena;

- They have invisible friends;

- They feel previous lives;

- Money for them is like means of survival and spiritual development;

- They sleep less;

- They are sensitive (those who are at the end of incarnations are able to reduce negative feelings, they generate love etc).

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