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Brothel in the basement.

I received a complaint from the owners of a café which is situated in the town center. The place is okay, but none wanted to come there. If people came, they rather fast went out. The owner understood that something is wrong with the energy, so they asked me to come and look at the café. When I came, I noticed the spirit of a dead person. This spirit regarded himself as an owner and he didn’t let people in – he chased visitors from the café. The feelings were not pleasant. I felt heaviness, headache, depressive mood and desire to go out. I concentrated and started to communicate with the spirit. I told him that he needs to leave that place. Our communication was rather complicated but I managed to persuade him to go away. Previously that spirit was the owner of the café, there was a gambling hall and he got emotionally attached to that place. As a result, even after his death the man thought that place was still his and he kept control over it.

However, the release of the spirit wasn’t finished. It was obvious that some dark energy appeared that was neither a dead soul, nor something completely different. I understood that the energy was very negative; it occupied all space in the cafe. We went to the basement to see what was under the floor. Some visions came to my mind: I saw the brothel, violence and death. I saw a shower; some rooms came to my mind, I saw blood; someone was murdered there. The killed kept connection due to the abandoned gold ring with a big stone. I was told that the ring may be found between two walls. The owners confirmed the idea that previously there was a brothel and a shower. I started doing some actions in order to get rid of the black energy. Suddenly I felt that someone touched me. The energy was very powerful. That place experienced many events. After my actions the place became brighter and feeling of pleasure grew. But I recommended the owners to sell the property because I didn’t manage to get rid of all negative energy. That place would become a wonderful gambling hall or a pub because such places have similar energy, while positive actions would had a loss.

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Agnes (Mystic)
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