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Government institution and ghosts

I was invited to visit an institution because serious and important employees saw strange shadows, heard some noises when the room had to be empty. It was a holiday and the doors were closed. Also, feelings that employees had in definite cabinets were unpleasant. When I passed round the rooms of that institution, I energetically cleared cabinets which had unpleasant, depressive, dark energy. Now it is possible to feel better there.

When I looked up, I noticed a clergyman in the corridor. I wanted to release him but he wished to stay there. I understood that it wasn’t time for a clergyman to go away and his presence wasn’t negative. Rather opposite – it was good when in the room was a clergyman. We agreed with the employee that the clergyman will remain and guard buildings. Also, there was a dead soul on the first floor. It seemed that it was a soldier who walked through the corridor and gave the shivers periodically. Thus, the soldier didn’t want to be seen visually by me. When I understood that the spirit didn’t have negative energy, I decided to leave him alone.

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