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Behinds the scenes of the visit.

Once I consulted a woman, who had troubles with hearing. So, I had to write everything I saw and send it to her, thus making it possible for you to look behind the scenes of this visit.

The aim of the visit: energetical cleaning/arranging.

The summary.

Chakras: No 7 is closed, no support from the above, only personal power is used. This chakra gets closed if there is no belief in yourself, in others, in God and the current arranging. No 5 – self-realisation, the mission is not fully achieved. Heart’s 4th chakra is closed because of the tendancy to distance yourself from the environment, the people. It’s neccessary to open up to people, not to be afraid.

6,3,2,1, - opened.

Energetically your personality is quite hidden and in it’s own shell. In this life you have to learn to be happy about everything, even about small things, about things you have and things you don’t.

Green colour donimates in the aura, this is a healing colour. That means, that your Great mission is to help others. You have to engage in a voluntary help as much as possible, to share your life experience. It’s forbidden to stay aside and say, So what? I cannot do anything. Your energetics are meant to be active and help and inspire others through your actions.

It’s advisable to relax the nervous system, I can feel that the body is tense, you have to learn to relax. A massage is prefered. Both mental and physical relax is important. The material for the mental self-development is attached below.

Protect your back, don’t carry heavy things.

It’s advisable to get into painting. This is a thing that you will learn easily, this will help to find peace and let the mind relax.

Meals should be easy to digest and light, limited amount of meat, mushrooms and nuts.

The enrgetical body is in a good state, there is a golden energetics around it, which prevents from collecting negations from the outer world, it’s a natural protection. But, on the middle line of the body, right where the life energy flows, there is a black line. It starts near the breasts and end near the legs. This is an energetical block, thickening, which can affect any of the organs it meets – perineum, the bladder, uterus, intestines, stomach, lungs. Right now the block is removed. But the subconscious can form another one from the start. So it’s important to work with yourself regularly, following the material attached. You created this block yourself, with self-critisizing and unability to love and value yourself. Because of that the life energy is blocked. You have to love yourself and have a will to live.

You have a quite heavy karma from the 2 previous lifes, in both you were a male.

1st life – it’s hard to define a time period, maybe something about the Roman time. You were overbearing, impatient man. Very responsible in work, but strict, such a man doesn’t allow any discounts. You ruled several women, who had to work in difficult physical conditions, the air in the space was hot, stuffy and humid. Women worked with huge wood pipes, which contained hot water and some fabric pieces. They kneaded and handled them with hands. Work days were long and tiring. Women asked for little breaks to take a sip of water etc. but the man was strict and didn’t allow that. It seems like he didn’t hear beggings and didn’t see the torture. He told to get back to work, not squeak. In the end of the day women got their money for the work. Women were different ages, both young and adults, skinny and corpulent. Oftenly they got sick because of the lack of the water and heavy work load, they fainted, died etc. Other women replaced those who weren’t able to return to the work. You personally, in that life, had an option to help these women, as other supervisor did, because it wasn’t told that women had to work until death. But, as no one cared about the faith of these women, no one was against the methods which were used at work.

2nd life – you had the chance to reborn, in the male’s body again, to redeem previous life’s karma, in a role of a priest in church. This life happened relatively not long ago. The priest carried his responsibilities very well at the start. People came to him to redeem their sins, he, in his turn, gave good advice and gave the oath that he would never tell anyone what he heard. However, people’s miseries and cares made the priest cold-hearted, he started to feel contempt for them and, as he thought, their miserable unimportant problems. He stopped listening. He missed the stories people were telling and gave advice very superficially. In this way, by not redeeming previous karma and creating heavier one for the next life.

Conclusion: there were 2 very different lifes, but both of them lacked the wish to listen to the people and their dreams. There has been a high ego and selfishnes. Lack of humility.

So, in this reincarnation it was decided to reborn in the body with hearing difficulties, to redeem the karma from the previous lifes by a quite hard-hitting method, as well as get the teaching about how does it feel like, when no one hears what you say, when no one understands how you feel, how to be a helpless human, thus making you able to value things. Learn humility and a skill to give sincere help to others. This is a very important reincarnation, all followings are dependent on this one. If you manage to get through, if you understand your karma teaching, you will relieve the following lifes, there will be no need to redeem this life’s burden. If you fail, then the lesson will continue in the next life.

In order to keep the enrgetics clean, it’s advisable to let bright white light flow through your physical body every day, so that this energy washes away everything bad and exessive.

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Agnes (Mystic)
 author, lecturer, healer, personal growth adviser

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