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Aija: What exactly are the advantages of purified energy?

Aija asks: For example, someone has open all the chakras and purified biofield. What does this actually mean? The person most likely will not get sick, it does everything right, or simply stronger than others? What opportunities the pure biofield really offers us? Because the idea of ​​how this is done - is quite understandable, but what happens next, when it has already been achieved - whether it becomes easier or more difficult to live - to me it's a vague notion!

Agnes: To this question I find it easier to respond, providing real-life examples of my practice. I have created a visualization of how I see human biofield. Visualization consists of real cases. So, I'll post some photos with brief explanatory notes Before and After the session.

After visiting me, all the people tend to look the same on the energy level: completely clean, pure white, sparkling, without blocks (main picture). Before the session, absolutely everyone has some kind of larger or smaller clusters (with the exception of two people in my practice who have come to me with a clean biofield). If a person does not work with his biofield, these clusters continue to grow and enlarge, causing difficulties in life, everyday events, relationships, work, and can create physical ailments.

Blocks in Biofield point to the problematic situation of the person with whom he can cope on the emotional level. That is, the person fails to pass granted him life lessons. It's the same thing as not to carry out vehicle maintenance. Not washing it, as well as forgetting to change the oil, brakes ... If all this is not done, the vehicle owner will not be surprised that at some point the car problems become so severe that it completely breaks down. There are also situations where a hex has been maliciously imposed on a person by magic, and if you do not get rid of it, expect trouble - sad situation will soon to follow.

Is life easier for people with clean energy? It depends on what we compare. I think that you need to compare yourself to yourself only. I am a year ago, and I am now. I am in the teenage years, and I'm at present... I'm with the energy blocks, and I am without them.

When viewed from this angle, then yes, of course, for a person with clean energy, life becomes easier, and many areas of life become organized and fall into place. This is evidenced by the testimonials of people. If we judge in comparison with other people, then no, it does not guarantee you a comfortable, sunny life. Each of us has his own destiny / karmic path that we must follow through to learn the necessary lessons.

Life is not meant to be a carefree vacation, but our development path. All our problematic situation are given to us, so we experience spiritual growth, gain experience and learn how to correctly respond to them from a position of Love.

Here is one of the yesterday's e-mails. It was received after a person has undergone renewal and reinforcement of the energy flow within the body, he also bought an OM pendant and started to work according to the instructions given in the book:

"It's been 40 days since I've started to read the affirmations and to work with them, well, as much as possible when I have the opportunity. It's time for a little report. I will be brief.

Needless to say, I elated by success returned to Hong Kong. I started to work and meditate. The first time I arrived in Hong Kong and tried the local white bread, I thought that it is necessary to open here a bakery. Local bread is just disgusting. After eating it I had pink spots on the forehead and sick liver. It's been seven years since that day. It's my cherished dream, and that merely remained at the level of dreams.

Then I came back from Riga armed with the Om amulet and brochure. And, suddenly, on the 19th day, it dawned on me that I can open my business now, on the spot. I learned so much that now it is already halfway through and I am absolutely sure that in three or four months, the Chinese will eat my rye bread, made on sourdough.

As mentioned in the affirmation, I see in front of me a new life, and myself - young and glowing.

My health is still weak, but something I still managed to bring back to normal with affirmations and the book written by Luule Viilma I chased the pain in the heart, which has terrorized me for several years. I should just stop doing physical work, and everything will be just fine!

Thank you for all you have done for me.

Yours faithfully ... "

As you can see, it really works. The thought that swirled in his head for seven years suddenly finds an opportunity to materialize. Of course, each to its own.

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Agnes (Mystic)
 author, lecturer, healer, personal growth adviser

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