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Wishes. A story of the three men.

In the "Shop" section of my blog is mentioned that in most cases people associate happiness with the presence of three main components in their life: health, love, and prosperity. Here are the top issues that clients bring me for advice. This time, let's talk about Love. I’m curiously watching a trend that most men come with questions about how to better maintain and improve their relationships, while women mostly discuss the question of how to end up a relationship. Everyone wants to find a perfect partner. The media help us to formulate an opinion, what is the perfect match (which does not exist or is rarely seen in reality.) People rarely even think about what they should change in their personality to really become perfect for their partner. If both partners are not passively waiting until the other person fills their inner gaps, fulfilling all their desires and fantasies, and both at the same time would consider: "am I really the perfect match for my partner right now, in all aspects of life, and what else do I need to improve to become perfect?". And after that, an ordinary miracle happens, as we become the perfect couple! Now let’s talk about the three men. The story is about my clients, the three men with the same desires, the same needs and requirements to their perfect match, a dream lady. In the long run, it can be formulated as follows: young, beautiful, sexy (not so mean, of course, but always including these criteria.) The first man. To make it happen, he must put in a lot of work. So much so that it is unlikely that he will be able to make it in this life, considering his individual traits of character. In the given lifetime, he must learn to accept a woman not based on particular values attaches to her visual appeal. He also should learn to fall in love with woman's inner beauty. And only after that, the "Heaven" will also be able to offer him physical beauty because the lesson not admiring women merely for their looks has been successfully passed. Thus, the chances of obtaining the desired are quite high, however, a constant endeavor at self-improvement required, changing his attitude. The second man. To turn into reality his cherished dream, he also must work, but in a different way. This person can achieve the desired through faith, i.e. to practice the power of thought, the power of positive thinking - through visualizations, affirmations, creating a collage of dreams. His motto could be "the power of thought in action." The third man. His dream has come true recently. This man has achieved this, as he has undergone all the above steps. Earlier, he had accepted the relationship, such as it was, without excessive undue criticism. He learned to unconditionally love and accept another person. His previous relationship brought him a lot of pain. His heart, however, has not been hardened, and he did not become mean, always seeking ways to improve his partnership. He worked at the level of thoughts, trying to attract into his life a relationship that eventually he got. He used all available means, i.e. visualization, collages and creating an accurate description of the desired qualities of a partner, reading affirmations and prayers, not forgetting to improve himself as a person. At first glance, it may seem that everything is given to one, while others are somewhat deprived. And yet, on a closer examination you have to earn this kind of things. P.S. If somebody has deserved and received his wish in any desired area, then there is no reason to relax and get complacent because due to the negligent attitude, we could lose everything again. This can be compared to watering flowers. To ensure that they bloom, you need to take care of them all the time, not just before they bloom.

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Agnes (Mystic)
 author, lecturer, healer, personal growth adviser

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